For resources such as:
see below. Otherwise, use the tabs to access the required resources. |
General Notes: |
Entry authored by a person |
Author Surname, Initial. (Year). Title of entry. Title of Source. Retrieved Month Day, Year, from https://www... |
Entry with no author |
Title of entry. (Year). Title of Source. Retrieved Month Day, Year, from https://www... |
Amlodipine. (2019). Martindale: The Complete Drug Reference. Retrieved February 8, 2020, from
Atorvastatin. (2020). Australian Medicines Handbook. Retrieved February 8, 2020, from
Lipitor. (2020). MIMS Online. Retrieved February 8, 2020, from
Rosenson, R. S. (2019). Hypertriglyceridemia. UpToDate. Retrieved February 8, 2020, from
Santos, R. D., Martin, S. S., & Cardoso, R. (2019). Hypercholesterolaemia. BMJ Best Practice. Retrieved February 8, 2020, from
Every time you paraphrase, or use an idea from another source you must include an in-text citation to that source.
Follow the general patterns:
For an entry with an author: (Author Surname, Year) or
For an entry with no author, use the first few words of the title: ("Title," Year)
Hypercholesterolaemia is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease (Santos et al., 2019).
...adjunct to diet in treatment of hypercholesterolaemia ("Lipitor," 2020).
Direct Quotations
“This family of drugs is absorbed well via the skin” (Acciari, 2020, para. 6).
You can also use a section heading if required, e.g.:
“This family of drugs is absorbed well via the skin” (Acciari, 2020, Usage section, para. 6).
JBI includes resources such as:
For non-JBI systematic reviews, see the tab on this page for Cochrane Library, or visit the page for Journal articles. |
General Notes: |
JBI Systematic reviews or protocols |
Author Surname, Initial. (Year). Title of systematic review or protocol: Subtitle. Title of JBI Journal/Database, Volume(Issue), Page-Page. |
JBI Best practice information sheets | Corporate Author. (Year). Title of information sheet. Title of JBI Journal/Database, Volume(Issue), Page-Page |
JBI Recommended practices |
Corporate Author. (Year). Title of recommended practice [Description]. Title of JBI Journal/Database, Document Number. |
JBI Evidence summaries |
Author Surname, Initial. (Year). Title of evidence summary [Description]. Title of JBI Journal/Database, Document Number. |
Butenko, S., Lockwood, C., & McArthur, A. (2015). The patient/consumer experience of partnering with health care professionals with hand hygiene compliance: A systematic review protocol. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews & Implementation Reports, 13(4), 127-140.
Joanna Briggs Institute. (2013). Scabies: Infection control [Recommended practice]. The Joanna Briggs Institute EBP Database, JBI2409.
Joanna Briggs Institute. (2010). The impact of hospital visiting hour policies on paediatric and adult patients and their visitors. Best Practice: Evidence-based Information Sheets for Health Professionals, 14(14), 1-4.
Pamaiahgari, P. (2018). Hand hygiene in hospitals: Alcohol-based solutions [Evidence summary]. The Joanna Briggs Institute EBP Database, JBI671.
Picheansathian, W., & Chotibang, P. (2015). Glove utilization in the prevention of cross transmission: A systematic review. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews & Implementation Reports, 13(4), 188-230.
Every time you paraphrase, or use an idea from another source you must include an in-text citation to that source.
Follow the general patterns:
For an entry with an author: (Author Surname, Year) or
For an entry with JBI as the author: (Joanna Briggs Institute, Year)
Hypercholesterolaemia is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease (Santos et al., 2019).
...adjunct to diet in treatment of hypercholesterolaemia (Joanna Briggs Institute, 2020).
Direct Quotations
“Cleansing the area is essential” (Joanna Briggs Institute, 2020, p. 2).
“This family of drugs is absorbed well via the skin” (Acciari, 2020, para. 6).
You can also use a section heading if required, e.g.:
“This family of drugs is absorbed well via the skin” (Acciari, 2020, Usage section, para. 6).
General Notes: |
Cochrane Systematic reviews |
Author Surname, Initial. (Year). Title of systematic review: Subtitle. Title of Cochrane Database. |
Cochrane Systematic review protocols |
Author Surname, Initial. (Year). Title of protocol [Description]. Title of Cochrane Database. |
Bain, E., Pierides, K. L., Clifton, V. L , Hodyl, N. A., Stark, M. J., Crowther, C. A., & Middleton, P. (2014). Interventions for managing asthma in pregnancy. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.
Roy, A., Schultz, T. J., Carson, K. V., Smith, B. J., Powell, H., Wilson, A., & Walters, E. H. (2011). Asthma self management education with either regular healthcare professional review or written action plans or both in adults [Protocol]. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.
Every time you paraphrase, or use an idea from another source you must include an in-text citation to that source.
Follow the general pattern for the number of authors. For examples shown shown above, we would use the 'more than 3 authors' rule:
(Bain et al., 2014)
(Roy et al., 2011)
Direct Quotations
“Cleansing the area is essential” (Briggs et al., 2020, p. 2)
General Notes: |
PROSPERO protocols (with DOI) |
Author Surname, Initial. (Year). Title of protocol [Description]. Title of Database. |
PROSPERO protocols (no DOI) |
Author Surname, Initial. (Year). Title of protocol [Description]. Title of Database. https://www... |
Ospina, M., Harstall, C., Tanzer, P., Rashiq, S., Carr, E., MacDermid, J., & Chojecki, D. (2011). A systematic review of the effectiveness of knowledge translation interventions for chronic non-cancer pain [Protocol]. PROSPERO.
Uthman, O., Mofenson, L. M., Kanters, S., Mills, E. J., & Nachega, J. B. (2015). Use of combination antiretroviral therapy and drug toxicity in HIV-infected pregnant women and their infants: Protocol for systematic reviews [Protocol]. PROSPERO.
Every time you paraphrase, or use an idea from another source you must include an in-text citation to that source.
Follow the general pattern for the number of authors. For examples shown shown above, we would use the 'more than 3 authors' rule:
(Ospina et al., 2011)
(Uthman et al., 2015)
Direct Quotations
“Cleansing the area is essential” (Briggs et al., 2020, p. 2)
There are a number of critical appraisal tools that are designed to be used when reading and evaluating research and clinical studies. See the page for Critical Appraisal Tools. |
For the following document types, refer to their specialist pages:
General Notes: |
Intranet document available to your reader/s |
Author Surname, Initial. (Year). Title of document [Description]. Title of Source/Intranet. https://www...
The link used should be for the log-in page. |
Intranet document unavailable to your reader/s |
Reference as a personal communication No reference list entry, but make reference to the type of document in your text (see example below). |
For a resource available to your reader/s
CCLHD. (2017). Hand hygiene: Best practice.
For a resource not available to your reader/s
No reference list entry.
Every time you paraphrase, or use an idea from another source you must include an in-text citation to that source.
Where the reader will be able to access the document you are citing, follow the general pattern for the number of authors.
Where the reader will be unable to access the document you are citing, you can follow the pattern below:
(Initial. Author Surname, personal communication, Month Day, Year) or
(Corporate Author, personal communication, Month Day, Year)
It is suggested in the staff-intranet document Avoiding Patient Issues that ... (Manning Education Centre, personal communication, May 5, 2019).
For advice on how to reference chapters from 'difficult' textbooks such as:
see the Book chapters page for more information.
For other textbooks with clear authors or editors see the information on the pages for Books and/or Book chapters. |
General Notes: |
Print document authored by a person |
Author Surname, Initial. (Year). Title of pamphlet or brochure [Description]. Publisher. |
Print document with a corporate author |
Corporate Author. (Year). Title of pamphlet or brochure [Description]. |
Cancer Council NSW. (2010). Men and cancer: Your guide to preventing and reducing cancer [Brochure].
Central Coast Local Health District. (2012). Information for patients/clients and their families [Pamphlet].
NSW Health & Clinical Excellence Commission. (n.d.). Patients and visitors: What you need to know about hand hygiene [Pamphlet].
Smith, D. (2016). Health information privacy leaflet for patients [Pamphlet]. Consumer Advocate Society.
Every time you paraphrase, or use an idea from another source you must include an in-text citation to that source.
Follow the general patterns: (Author Surname, Year) or (Corporate Author, Year)
... presents risk factors for cardiovascular disease (Santos, 2019).
NSW Health (2020) suggest that proper hand-washing is the best option.
Direct Quotations
“This family of drugs is absorbed well via the skin” (Acciari, 2020, para. 6).
You can also use a section heading if required, e.g.:
“Cleansing the area is essential” (Joanna Briggs Institute, 2020, p. 2).
“This family of drugs is absorbed well via the skin” (Acciari, 2020, Usage section, para. 6).
General Notes: |
NSW Health form or checklist |
Corporate Author. (Year). Title of form or checklist (Document number). https://www... |
NSW Health. (n.d.). Ontario modified stratify (Sydney scoring) falls risk screen (No. SMR060.911). 258472/NH606658-Ontario-Modified-Stratify-Sydney-Scoring-Falls-Risk-Screen.pdf
Where more than one form/checklist is needed for referencing, refer to the information under Year/Date on the Reference list page of this guide (reference examples provided below).
NSW Health. (n.d.-a). Out of home care primary health screen (2A): 1-5 years (No. SMR060.722).
NSW Health. (n.d.-b). SCAN medical protocol (No. SMR060.550).
Every time you paraphrase, or use an idea from another source you must include an in-text citation to that source.
Follow the general pattern: (Corporate Author, Year)
...should be discussed with an available paediatrician (NSW Health, n.d.).
Direct Quotations
“Medical photography of injuries is recommended” (NSW Health, n.d., p. 2).
Need to reference more than one form in-text? See the tab for Same author/s and same year on the page for In-text Citations