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APA 7th Style:  Other sources

UON Library guide for the APA 7th referencing style

Various other sources

Personal communication


The APA manual identifies the following examples of personal communications:

  • emails
  • private letters
  • memos
  • personal interviews
  • telephone conversations
  • non-retrievable private online meetings such as a Zoom meeting
  • other sources not publicly available

Whilst personal communications should be cited in-text, an entry is not included in the reference list.

To cite in-text include the initials and surname of the author, plus the day month and year of the communication.


In-text examples:

C. Brisden (personal communication, June 4, 2019) commented ...

... theories and guidelines were significantly aligned (J.T. Bowen, personal communication, February 25, 2019).

In a Zoom meeting with the author on January 6, 2023, lobbyist Ann Adams admitted that ...


Reference list entries:

None required.

Case studies (people)


APA does not treat case studies as an individual resource - reference the source material in which the case study is found, e.g. for a case study featured in a book, you would reference the book.

If required for your assignment, the case study can be specifically mentioned in your text, just add the standard in-text reference for the source.  As the case study is something specific within a larger resource, add a page number to your in-text citation to help the reader locate it.

For case studies accessed as:

Case studies found in other types of sources will follow the same pattern as above - refer to the appropriate page in this guide.


Example for a case study, in-text:

As the case study detailed by Stein-Parbury (2008, p. 165) shows, an over-reliance on systems-focused communication can have unintended consequences ...


Reference list:

Reference the source as you would normally.

Data sets


General Notes:

  • Titles of data sets should always be italicised.

  • Provide a description of [Data set] in square brackets after the title.

  • Data sets do not require the words 'Retrieved from' before an access link.  This is a major revision for APA 7. 

  • Do not include a full-stop after the DOI or URL at the end of the reference.

  • APA allows for links to be either plain text or 'active'. See the official APA Style Blog for more information.

Data set with DOI

Author Surname, Initial. (Year). Title of data set (Version X.X). [Description]. Publisher.

Data set without DOI

Author Surname, Initial. (Year). Title of data set (Version X.X). [Description]. Publisher. https://www...

Data set with a corporate author Reference as above, but change the author to Corporate Author.  Where the author is the same as the publisher, do not repeat the publisher information.


Reference list examples:


Boland, N., Bley, A., Fricke, C., Froyland, G., & Sotirov, R. (2010). Precedence constrained knapsack problem data instances [Data set].



Every time you paraphrase, or use an idea from another source you must include an in-text citation to that source.

Follow the general pattern for the number or type of authors.  For the example shown shown above, we would use the 'more than 3 authors' rule:

(Boland et al., 2010)

Legal references


Legal references covers:

  • Legislation (Acts and Bills)
  • Legal cases
  • Parliamentary debates (Hansard)
  • Patents


See the page for Legal references.

Mobile apps


General Notes:

  • Titles of apps should always be italicised.

  • Provide a description of [Mobile app] in square brackets after the title.

  • To locate the year and/or version number, you may need to access the 'Version history' or 'Additional information' sections of the app store pages.

  • Apps do not require the words 'Retrieved from' before an access link.  This is a major revision for APA 7. 

  • Do not include a full-stop after the URL at the end of the reference.

  • APA allows for links to be either plain text or 'active'. See the official APA Style Blog for more information.

Mobile app

Corporate Author. (Year). Title of app (Version X.X) [Description]. Name of App Store. https://...

Mobile app authored by a person

Author Surname, Initial. (Year). Title of app (Version X.X) [Description]. Name of App Store. https://...

Entry from a mobile app reference work

Corporate Author. (Year). Title of entry. In Title of app (Version X.X) [Description]. Name of App Store. https://...


Reference list examples:

BMJ Group. (2019). BMJ best practice (Version 2.30.0) [Mobile app]. App Store.

MIMS. (2018). Lipitor. In MIMS for Android (Version 2.0.12) [Mobile app]. Google Play.


Every time you paraphrase, or use an idea from another source you must include an in-text citation to that source.

Follow the general pattern for the number or type of authors.  For the examples shown shown above, we would use the 'corporate authors' rule:

(BMJ Group, 2019)

(MIMS, 2018)


Direct Quotations

If you include a direct quote, that is word-for-word from a source, add a paragraph reference to your in-text citation, e.g.:

“This family of drugs is absorbed well via the skin” (MIMS, 2018, para. 6).

You can also use a section heading if required, e.g.:

“This family of drugs is absorbed well via the skin” (MIMS, 2018, Usage section, para. 6).

Poems and epigrams


General Notes:

  • APA 7 doesn’t specifically cover how to reference poems (and their shorter forms also known as Epigrams).  The information presented below has been constructed from general APA guidelines fom similar resources.

  • Titles of poems from book sources should not be italicised.  However, poems taken from web pages should have their titles italicised.

  • Poems sourced online do not require the words 'Retrieved from' before an access link.  This is a major revision for APA 7. 

  • Do not include a full-stop after the URL at the end of the reference.

  • APA allows for links to be either plain text or 'active'. See the official APA Style Blog for more information.

Poem from an anthology or collection

Author Surname, Initial. (Year). Title of poem. In Initial. Editor Surname (Ed.), Title of collection (X ed., p. Page).  Publisher.

Poems from ebooks Follow the patterns shown on the Book chapters page.
Poems from the web

Author Surname, Initial. (Year). Title of poem. Title of Web Page. https://www...


Reference list examples:

Behn, A. (2001). The disappointment. In J. Stevenson, & P. Davidson (Eds.), Early modern women poets: An anthology (pp. 365-369). Oxford University Press.

Mackellar, D. (1971). My country. In The poems of Dorothea Mackellar (p. 4). Rigby.

Mackellar, D. (n.d.). My country. Official Dorothea Mackellar Website.



Every time you paraphrase, or use an idea from another source you must include an in-text citation to that source.
This is the general format for a source that has 1 author:  (Author Surname, Year)


... where the poem "Almighty" demonstrates an illusion of pragmatism (Dempsey, 2012).


Direct Quotations

If you include a direct quote, that is word-for-word from a source which has 1 author, the general format of the in-text citation appears:  (Author Surname, Year, p. X)

“These feelings consume me” (Acciari, 2014, p. 14).

NOTE: Use "p" when quoting from one page - for example (Acciari, 2014, p. 14), and "pp" when quoting from more than one page - for example (Wessel, 2015, pp. 53-54).

Longer quotes from poems should follow the style of block quotations and are indented.



General Notes:

  • Epigraphs usually appear at the start of a document or article and serve the purpose of establishing a context for the writing to follow or to set the scene.

  • The text of the epigraph usually appears as a block quotation, indented from the left margin.

  • An epigraph’s source is not listed in the reference list unless it comes from a scholarly book, journal.  For more information, see pp. 277-278 of the Publication Manual.


Example in-text usage:

Tyger, Tyger, burning bright,

In the forests of the night:

What immortal hand or eye,

Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

-William Blake, “The Tyger”

The concept of the ‘fearful symmetry’ is alluded to in a variety of texts…


Statistics (ABS)


General Notes:

  • Titles of ABS statistics should always be italicised.

  • Provide the ABS catalogue number in  brackets after the title.  You may need to scroll to the bottom of the page to locate this on the latest releases.

  • Statistics do not require the words 'Retrieved from' before an access link.  This is a major revision for APA 7. 

  • Do not include a full-stop after the URL at the end of the reference.

  • APA allows for links to be either plain text or 'active'. See the official APA Style Blog for more information.

Statistics (ABS)

Corporate Author. (Year). Title of statistic: Subtitle (Catalogue number). https://www...


Reference list examples:


Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2013). Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health survey: First results, Australia, 2012-13 (No. 4727.0.55.001).

Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2018). Census of population and housing: Estimating homelessness, 2016 (No. 2049.0).



Every time you paraphrase, or use an idea from another source you must include an in-text citation to that source.

Follow the general pattern for the number or type of authors.  For the example shown above, we would use the 'corporate authors' rule:  (Corporate Author, Year)



The census data (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2018) indicated that...


The Australian Bureau of Statistics (2018) provided evidence...


Need to reference more than statistic from the same year?  See the tab for Same author/s and same year on the page for In-text Citations

Reference works


For information on how to reference entries or chapters from reference works such as:

  • Dictionaries
  • Encyclopaedias
  • Thesaurii
  • Indexes, etc.

see the Book chapters page.

Book reviews


See the page for Articles

Generative AI such as ChatGPT

Please Note:

  • It is an expectation of the University of Newcastle that all work submitted for assessment is the student's own original work. Prior permission must be obtained from a course coordinator before submitting work generated using an AI tool. 
  • Using AI tools without permission may be considered an academic integrity violation and may result in disciplinary action.
  • This page will continue to update so remember to check back regularly for updates on this evolving topic.
  • The University's Generative AI tools guide has more information on acknowledging your use of genAI tools.

The University of Newcastle library requires that you reference the Generative AI tool whenever you paraphrase, summarise, or quote any of the AI-generated content (text, image, data, etc.) in your assignment.

Currently the APA Style team suggests referencing Generative AI using the reference template for software. The reference elements include:

  • Author: the author of the model, e.g., the author of ChatGPT is OpenAI.
  • Date: the year of the version you used.
  • Title: the name of the model, e.g., “ChatGPT.”
  • Version number: use the format the author or publisher provides, e.g., (Version 2.0) or (Mar 14 version)
  • Description: a descriptor for the model used, e.g., [Large language model] for ChatGPT.
  • Publisher: when the publisher and the author are the same, omit this element.
  • URL: the website of the model where you can access it directly or the unique public accessible URL for the conversation if available


In-text Citation Examples

  • When asked “What is a proper noun?” ChatGPT by OpenAI (2023) replied “A proper noun is a type of noun that refers to a specific, unique person, place, thing, or idea.”
  • When prompted with “What are the differences between UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, US-ASCII, and Windows-1251?” the ChatGPT-generated text indicated that “UTF-8 is a universal encoding that can represent any character, while ISO-8859-1, US-ASCII, and Windows-1251 are limited to certain character sets.” (OpenAI, 2023; see Appendix A for the full transcript).


Reference List: Format and Example

Author. (Year). Title (Version number) [Model description]. Publisher. URL

OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT (Mar 14 version) [Large language model].


See also:



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