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Chicago B: Author-Date Style:  About Chicago B

UON Library guide to Chicago B: Author-Date Style 17th edition

Chicago B

The Chicago Manual of Style includes two referencing styles: Chicago A and Chicago B.

The Chicago B Author-Date Style is commonly used in the sciences and social sciences. In this style, sources are briefly cited in the text, usually in parentheses, by author’s last name and year of publication. Each in-text citation matches up with an entry in a reference list, where full bibliographic information is provided, at the end of the document. 

See an example of in-text citations and an example of a reference list on the CMOS site.

This guide provides general rules, instructions and examples for citing a range of sources such as journal articles, books & book chapters, government documents, web resources and more

For details, follow the links under How to cite at the left of this page, or use the index there.

Other useful resources:

Quick PDF guide for easy printing and downloading

  • The quick guide may not cover every resource detailed in the full online guide. Please refer back to the online guide here if you are unable to find examples of your required references. 
  • If printing the guide or downloading to your device - remember to check back for any updates.

Heard about Generative AI (such as ChatGPT), and wondering how to reference it in your assignments?

It is an expectation of the University of Newcastle that all work submitted for assessment is the student's own original work. Prior permission must be obtained from a course coordinator before submitting work generated using an AI tool. 

If using Generative AI is permitted for your course, we've got referencing it correctly covered! See the newly added Generative AI section. 

Please Note:

This guide is based on the Chicago Manual of Style Online (CMOS) 17th edition, 2017. It provides general guidelines only. Your lecturer’s instructions overrule these guidelines. Students should always check their Course Outline for any variations required or consult their lecturer.

This guide is based on

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