Bishops' Registry Records - Photographs
Books of photographs and plans of churches and rectories in The Diocese of Newcastle (compiled 1914 - 1921) - including:
- All Saints, Boolaroo - Plan
- All Saints, Kendall - Photo
- All Saints, Kendall - Plan
- All Saints, Narara - Page
- All Saints, Singleton - Photo
- All Saints, Singleton - Plan
- Christ Church, Dungog - Photo
- Christ Church, Dungog - Photo 2
- Christ Church, Dungog - Plan
- Christ Church, Dungog - Plan 2
- Christ Church, Gosford - Photo
- Christ Church, Gosford - Photo 2
- Christ Church, Gosford - Plan
- Christ Church, Gosford - Plan 2
- Christ Church, Mt Vincent - Photo
- Christ Church, Mt Vincent - Plan
- Church of St. Mary-on-Allyn, Allynbrook - Page
- Church of St. Mary-on-Allyn, Allynbrook - Page 2
- Church of St. Mary-on-Allyn, Allynbrook - Photo
- Church of St. Mary-on-Allyn, Allynbrook - Photo 2
- Church of the Epiphany, Lansdowne - Page
- Church of the Epiphany, Lansdowne - Photo
- Holy Trinity, Abermain - Page
- Holy Trinity, Abermain - Photo
- Holy Trinity, Laurieton - Page
- Holy Trinity, Laurieton - Photo
- Holy Trinity, Lochinvar - Page
- Holy Trinity, Lochinvar - Photo
- Lorne - Page
- Martins Creek - Page
- Mission Hall, Kew - Page
- Mission Hall, Kew - Photo
- Mission Hall, Mt. View - Page
- Mission Hall, Pelaw Main - Photo
- Mission Hall, South Singleton - Photo
- Parish Hall, Dungog - Photo
- St. Andrew, Bishop's Bridge - Photo
- Archdeacon Williamson's glass slides of scenes from Australia and South Pacific, religious paintings, and religious instruction.
- Rev. Arnold Towner;
- Rev. Alan Walker;
- Lord Mayor, D.G. McDougall.
- Rev. Francis Dashwood Bode;
- Bode Family.
- Archdeacon Hessey;
- St. James Church, Morpeth [Rev. R.E. Goddard, Rector, in the background];
- Church at Hamilton;
- Archdeacon Coles Child;
- C.A. Brown family photographs.
- St. Margaret's Hostel, Stanmore;
- P.A. Micklem;
- Sibella Macarthur Onslow.
- Christ Church Cathedral;
- Tyrrell Hall;
- Bishopscourt, Morpeth;
- Unidentified churches;
- Part of St. John's Theological College, Morpeth;
- C.A. Brown Anglican Village, Booragul;
- Christ Church Pro-Cathedral;
- Christ Church Cathedral (ca.1970s);
- Morpeth Grammar School for Boys, 1946;
- Sheep at Brenda Station;
- St. Alban's Boys' Home [or farmhouse?].
- Morpeth Pilgrimage (1947). [See also A5318].
- St. Elizabeth's Homes Staff and girls, 1942;
- G.B.R.E. photographs (World War 1);
- Meeting of Bishops at St. Andrew's Cathedral, Sydney, 1868. [See also A5309];
- Synod Newcastle, 1907;
- Dean Selwyn and Mrs. Selwyn;
- Canon O'Riley;
- Bishop Broughton.
- St. Barnabas' Church, East Maitland;
- Archdeacon Tyrrell;
- "Homewood", Maitland (residence of Reg. G.K. Rusden);
- Canon H. Portus, Rector of East Maitland, 1919 - 1928;
- Rev. Lovick Tyrrell, Rector of East Maitland, 1863 - 1903;
- Canon G.K. Rusden, Rector of East Maitland, 1834 - 1859.
- Archdeacon W.E. White of Muswellbrook (1890s);
- St. James' Church, Morpeth.
- St. Paul's Church, West Maitland, 1885 -1936. [See also A5454].
- St. Andrew's Church, Carrington, Port Stephens.
- St. Margaret's Jesmond photographs in Jubilee book, 1929 - 1979.
Photographs of tombstones:
- George Augustus (died May, 1848) and Sarah Middleton, (died 1863);
- Clarence Tyrrell;
- Frances and George Middleton, (died 1900);
- Charles Robert Middleton.
- Place where the Rev. G.A. Middleton conducted his school near Morpeth.
- St. Paul's Murrurundi Centenary booklet with photographs:-
- Rev. V. Nash;
- Canon W. Holmes;
- St. Paul's Murrurundi, 1855;
- Second church, 1882;
- Present church;
- F.R. White;
- Blandford church;
- William Tyrrell;
- Bishop Batty;
- Church at Timor;
- Church at Glen Dhu.
- St. Margaret's Hostel, Stanmore;
- P.A. Micklem;
- S. Macarthur Onslow.
- Brenda Station (c. 1900);
- Brenda Station buildings, 1949.
- Bishop Stanton;
- Bishop Stanton, 1890;
- Bishop Stanton, Archdeacon Plume and an Aboriginal in North Queensland.
- Group of clergy or bishops.
- Bishop Stephen laying the foundation stone of Tyrrell House.
- Bishop Batty;
- Morpeth Pilgrimage, 1947;
- Bishops of New South Wales, 1934.
- St. Barnabas' Church, Yarramalong.
- Children's homes (for details see Orphanage guide)
- Copy of a photograph of a wedding party outside Branxton Anglican Church [c. 1903].
Photographs from A.P. Elkin
- Photographs in booklet St. Paul's Church, Paterson, 1929: St. Paul's Church, Paterson;
- Rev. John Jennings Smith;
- Old Schoolhouse used as church, prior to building of St. Paul's;
- St. Mary's on Allyn;
- St. John's Church, Vacy;
- St. James, Martin's Creek;
- Old St. Anne's, Gresford;
- Jennings Smith's schoolhouse, licensed as a chapel February, 1843, Hungry Hill in the background;
- Captain John Shortland (press clipping);
- Broughton Centenary commemoration at Allynbrook (press clipping);
- Rev. A.P. Elkin (press clipping);
- St. Mary's on Allyn (press clipping).
Photographs and drawings
- St. James' Church, Morpeth, 1840 - 1930s;
- "Closebourne", Morpeth, 1852
- Morpeth photographs and negatives;
- Wollombi photographs;
Portrait photographs:
- Canon Simm [died at Raymond Terrace, 1894];
- Rev. R.G. Boodle;
- John Palmer, R.N.;
- Henry Skillman, 1817 - 1878 [school teacher];
- Hannah Skillman, [died 1878];
- Rev. Coles Child;
- Edward Close;
- Bishop Tyrrell;
- Church of England Synod group, 1898;
- Reverend L.C. Blakemore, St. John's Rectory, Stroud and coach and horse;
Colour transparencies:
- Study at Morpeth Rectory;
- Monument St. John's College, Morpeth.
- St. Luke's Anglican Church, Cessnock, 1890;
- Church of England Grammar School, Morpeth and St. James' Church, Morpeth [the Church of England Grammar School prospectus];
- Bishop Long.
Photographs of maps:
- Brisbane Water, Wollombi, Newcastle, Gloucester, Maitland, 1843;
- Scone, Paterson, Patrick's Plains, Dungog, Clarence Town, Muswellbrook, 1843.
Rev. Carlos Stretch photograph collection:
- St. Paul's Church, West Maitland, 1885 -1936;
- Old Church of England Merriwa, erected 1850;
- Church at Kincumber;
- Group photograph of sailors in front of Missions to Seamen;
- Synod groups, 1912, 1915;
- The old Denominational School at Redwell, parish of Merriwa, used for church services until October, 1927 [photograph 1912];
- All Saints Church, Boolaroo;
Church photographs:
1, 2 Aberdeen;
3 Abermain;
4, 5 Adamstown;
6, 7 Bunnan;
8, 9 Cassilis;
10 Cessnock;
11 Collaroy;
12 Cooranbong;
13, 14 Denman;
15 Dora Creek;
16, 17 Gloucester;
18 Greta;
19 Gundy;
19a Hamilton;
20 Kars Springs;
20a Kayuga;
21 Kendall;
22-25 Kurri Kurri;
26 Lambton;
27 Largs;
28 Maitland;
29, 30, 31 Merriwa;
32 Old Merriwa Road;
33 Miller's Forest;
34 Minmi;
35 Muscle Creek;
36 Muswellbrook;
37-38 Nabiac;
39-42 Newcastle Pro-Cathedral and Cathedral;
43 Ourimbah;
44 Parkville;
45, 46 Redwell;
47, 48 Scone;
49 Seaham;
50 Swansea;
51 Tarro;
52 Thornthwaite;
53 Thornton;
54 West Wallsend;
55-56 Weston;
57 Wyong.