Scopus creates an author identifier for each author with documents indexed in Scopus and distinguishes your research from other authors with similar names, grouping all your documents together.
Got more than one Scopus ID?
As the Scopus ID is automatically generated sometimes the algorithm can be incorrect and multiple/duplicate IDs can be created. You should check your profile to confirm:
Ensuring you have one up to date Scopus ID allows:
Linking your Scopus ID to other platforms like ORCID and NURO will ensure that all your platforms are accurate and up-to-date and only showing the research outputs that you have created.
Scopus IDs and NURO
You can add your Scopus ID to NURO and when articles are found that match the ID they can be automatically added to your profile via automatic claiming (reviewing these is recommended) or you can be alerted via email when new article matches are found.
Visit the NURO User Guide for more information.
How to check for and merge multiple Scopus IDs
How to connect your ORCID to your Scopus Author Identifier
How to request a change to author details