This guide provides library resources to support your Digital Presentation research.
Before you start, it is strongly recommended that you:
Before you start looking for information for your assignment, it is important to analyse your topic and questions. Think about:
Identifying key concepts or keywords in your assignment will help you to locate relevant information more effectively. Also think about similar concepts and alternative terms eg MPAs OR "Marine Protected Areas", aboriginal OR indigenous.
These key concepts and keywords will form the basis of your search strategy.
Watch the video below on topic analysis. What are your key concepts and keywords?
Once you have identified the keywords included in your assignment question, you can think about how to use these keywords to conduct your search.
Using appropriate search techniques such as Boolean, phrase searching, and truncation can make your search more effective.
Watch the video below and try the Library Search for books and articles
Library journal databases are collections of journal articles. You can find the best databases for your topic on the Marine Science subject guide.
Not sure how to use them? Watch the following videos and try your search in EBSCO Environment Complete and ScienceDirect Journals
Government publications such as legal material, government policies, reports, and statistics may only be available on the internet. The simplest way to find such material is by Google advanced search.
Snowball search is using a key document on your topic as a starting point to find more other relevant publications by tracking down the citations.
Watch the video below and try a snowball search in Google Scholar using the following title: Global trends in world fisheries. How many articles have cited this article?
Your Teaching Liaison Librarian is providing Q & A sessions to respond to any questions via the Canvas Discussion Forum.
Session times
The below session times are scheduled to correspond with your assignments.
Day | Time |
Monday 25th March | 12 PM - 1 PM |
Wednesday 27th March | 3 PM - 4 PM |
Watch the following video on evaluating your sources with the TRAAP method.
Adding a bibliography to your presentation
You may create a new slide or screen at the end of your presentation and add the full references there.
This assignment requires you to use either the Harvard or the APA style.
See the following example of a bibliography in APA 7th style.
Bogard, J. R., Farmery, A. K., Baird, D. L., Hendrie, G. A., & Zhou, S. (2019). Linking production and consumption: The role for fish and seafood in a healthy and sustainable Australian diet. Nutrients, 11(8), 1766.
Fisheries Research and Development Corporation. (2019). Australian fish names standard (AS 5300—2019). FRDC.
Hobday, A. J., Fleming, A., Ogier, E. M., Thomas, L., Hartog, J. R., Hornborg, S., & Stephenson, R. L. (2018). Perceptions regarding the need for broad sustainability assessments of Australian fisheries. Fisheries Research, 208, 247-257.
New South Wales Government. (2020). NSW Total Allowable Catch Committee report and determination for 2020/2021—Rock Lobster Fishery.
Pauly, D., & Zeller, D. (2016). Global atlas of marine fisheries: A critical appraisal of catches and ecosystem impacts. CSIRO Publishing.
Pascoe, S., Cannard, T., Dowling, N., Dichmont, C., Breen, S., Roberts, T., Pears, R., & Leigh, G. (2019). Developing harvest strategies to achieve ecological, economic and social sustainability in multi-sector fisheries. Sustainability, 11(3), 644.
Ward, T. J., Booth, D. J., Fairweather, P. G., Ford, J. R., Jenkins, G. I., Keough, M. J., Prince, J. D., & Smyth, C. (2017). Australia's coastal fisheries and farmed seafood: an ecological basis for determining sustainability. Australian Zoologist, 39(1), 3-16.
You won’t be able to read everything on your topic and you don’t need to read a source from cover to cover, you need to read effectively.
Watch the video below on reading and note making for your literature review
Writing your report or script is an ongoing process of writing and re-writing. See the UON Academic Support Team’s Top Tips to Write Well for more details, and always follow your lecturer’s instructions for what elements you are required to include.
Watch the video below on Report Writing. Contact academic support for more help if needed.
There are many ways you can make your digital presentation video such as using Zoom recording or using MS PowerPoint. (Note: Free MS Office Package is available to current UON students if needed. See Software for your personal computer on the Software and tools page)
Watch the following videos on how to create a video from PowerPoint and Zoom recording.