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Vancouver Referencing Style:  How to cite: index

UON Library guide to Vancouver Style for UON students

How to reference a source: a site index

Click the links below for details on how to reference that type of sources: 


 ABS statistics Edited books Parliamentary debates 
 Abbreviations Edition, books Patents
 Abbreviations: Journal titles Email PEDro scale
 Abbreviations: state or country Encyclopaedia entries Personal communication
 Acts (legal) Encyclopaedias Photographs
 AIHW statistics Facebook Podcasts audio
 AMH Australian Medicines Handbook Figures Press releases
 Articles, journal Films Private contracts
 Articles, magazine Forthcoming, articles Private letters
 Articles, newspaper Google map Publisher
 Audio, free online Govt documents Quotations
 Bills Hansard Radio Programs
 Blogs Images Reference entries
 Blu-Ray Indirect sources: in-text  Reference list
 BMJ best practices Indirect sources: ref list Reference list - example
 Book chapters Interview Reference works
 book review In-text citation Repeated citations
 Books JBI checklists Reports
 Books, translated Joanna Briggs Institute Reports, Govt
 Brochures Journal articles Research reports
 Case studies Kanopy Secondary sources: in-text 
 Cases, legal Lecture notes Secondary sources: ref list
 CASP checklists Legal cases Social media
 CD-music Legal references Standards
 CD-ROM Legislation Statistics
 ClickView Magazine articles Streaming videos
 Cochrane ‘Risk of bias’ tool Maps, freestanding STROBE Statement
 Cochrane Reviews Maps, from books Tables
 Compiled textbooks Maps, online TED talks video
 Conference papers Media release Theses
 Conference papers: published Messages Translated books
 Conference papers: unpublished MIMS Online TV shows
 Conversations Movies Twitter
 Corporate author books Multiple citations UpToDate
 Corporate author, articles Music, Recorded Vevo video
 Course material Netflix VHS
 Course packs News release Video
 Critical appraisal tools Newspapers Vimeo video
 Dailymotion video No author, article Web pages/sites
 Dictionaries No author, books Web resources
 Dissertations No date, books White paper
 Downs & Black checklist Online document Wills
 DVD Paintings YouTube video
 eBooks Pamphlets  

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