How to avoid verbosity.
1. Use active verbs: Make the subject of a sentence do something.
Wordy: The research proposals were reviewed by the committee.
Revised: The committee reviewed the research proposals.
2. Avoid writing long and wordy sentences:
Wordy: At this moment in time, Australians disenfranchised with the political system should be encouraged to participate in the voting process.
Revised: Australians should be encouraged to vote.
3. Avoid using phrases that do not add meaning to your sentence.
Common examples:
Wordy: All things being equal, what I am trying to say is that in my opinion all Australians should, for all intents and purposes, have the right to free speech.
Revised: All Australians should have the right to free speech.
4. Avoid Using Noun Forms of Verbs:
Wordy: The presentation of the arguments by the speaker was convincing.
Revised: The speaker presented their arguments convincingly.
Or . . .
The speaker argued convincingly.
5. Make each word count: Words that are vague (such as thing or type) are often used to ‘pad out’ a sentence, but hinder clarity and sometimes meaning.
Wordy: After reading several things in the area of political-type subjects, I decided to view the situation differently and change my argument about compulsory voting.
Revised: After reading several books on politics, I changed my view about compulsory voting.
6. Avoid overstating.
In academic writing avoid overstating something that does not need to be overstated.
The children were really hungry. (You are either hungry or you are not hungry).
The condition of the house was very dilapidated. (The condition of the house is either dilapidated or not dilapidated).
I totally agree this research is important. (You either agree or you do not agree).