Paragraph construction:
Topic sentence.
The job of a topic sentence is to introduce one idea to be developed and supported by the paragraph. Your topic sentence would be improved by using the appropriate paragraph structure to highlight the purpose of your writing. For more information go here
This paragraph needs a topic sentence. Go to: Writing strong paragraphs
Pay particular attention to the topic sentence. The topic sentence needs to give both the topic (what thing the paragraph is about) AND the controlling idea (how the content of the paragraph will be related to the question). Go to: Writing strong paragraphs
No reference is needed in the topic sentence. A topic sentence is your own point of argument and you argue for it in the rest of the paragraph, therefore it does not contain evidence of its own. This usually means a topic sentence does not contain references.
Good topic sentence, well done.
Excellent topic sentence. You have clearly indicated what this paragraph is about and linked it well to the question.
Supporting sentences:
The job of supporting sentences is to explain the idea introduced in the topic sentence. Go to: Writing strong paragraphs
Concluding sentence
A concluding sentence is required at the end of a paragraph. Go to: Writing strong paragraphs
This concluding sentence has not reinforced the idea introduced in the paragraph/topic sentence. Come back to the essay topic at the end of the paragraph to demonstrate the relevance of the evidence discussed. Go to: Writing strong paragraphs
It is important to have concluding sentences at the end of each paragraph. This relates back to the topic sentence or moves the reader onto the next paragraph. Go to: Writing strong paragraphs
This is excellent because you have used a concluding sentence.
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