This guide provides the library resources to support your Evidence Based Practice Presentation assignment.
Before you start, it is strongly recommended that you:
Helpful Library resources for this assessment include:
PICO is an acronym used to structure clinical questions in evidence-based medicine:
The following is an example of PICO for "exercise interventions to reduce chronic lower back pain in elderly patients."
Watch the video below on How to use PICO to refine your research question by Medical College of Wisconsin Libraries.
The following are the common search strategies used in literature retrieval. These strategies can be combined to refine searches and retrieve more relevant information from databases or search engines.
Using quotation marks to search for an exact phrase. For example, searching for "artificial intelligence" in quotation marks would return results where these words appear together in that exact order.
Using an asterisk (*) to search for variations of a word. For example, search for "childt*" would return results for "child," "children," "childhood," etc.
Using Boolean operators like "AND," "OR," and "NOT" to combine search terms to broaden or narrow the search results. For example, "exercise AND obesity" would return results that contain both terms; "sport OR exercise" would return results that contain either or both terms.
Limiting the search to specific fields like title, abstract, author, or date.
Using filters such as publication date, document type, language, etc., to refine search results.
Using parentheses to group terms and operators to control the order of operations. For example, "(sport OR exercise) AND obesity AND (child* OR pediatric)
Information or literature can be found in a variety of sources such as Library Search, Databases, and on the Internet.
Library journal databases are collections of journal articles. You can find the best databases for your topic on the Subject Resource Guides to
Not sure how to use them? Watch the following videos and try your search in
EBSCO Megafile Ultimate covering SPORTDiscus and CINAHL
EBSCO Tutorials: Introduction to EBSCOhost - Tutorial
Medline 1946- (OVID) and Embase (OVID) and PsycINFO (OVID)
Health Sciences Library, McMaster University: Ovid Medline Part 1
Health Sciences Library, McMaster University: Ovid Medline Part 2
This assignment may need to use the JBI’s critical appraisal tools. Click the following image to see the JBI’s critical appraisal tools.
A literature review requires searching multiple resources on your topic. A good way to manage all your search results is to use a Citation Management Tool.
The library supports the use of EndNote for you to save, manage, and review the literature you have found for your literature review. EndNote can also create in-text citations and bibliography in Word automatically for you.
From the library EndNote Guide, you can:
For a quick overview, watch the following video on how to use EndNote.
For Windows Users
For Mac Users
The Library provides style guides for most referencing styles used at UON including APA 7th Style.
Click the following image to visit the Library Guide to APA style
For a quick overview, watch the following video on APA 7th style
Academic Learning Support: Referencing - Vancouver
There are many ways you can make your digital presentation video such as using Zoom recording or using MS PowerPoint. (Note: Free MS Office Package is available to current UON students if needed. See Software for your personal computer on the Software and tools page)
Watch the following videos on how to create a video from PowerPoint and Zoom recording.