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MBA Student Guide: Find Information

Find information

What is a Database?

A database is a collection of online resources such as  journal articles, e-books, videos, images, newspapers and more. Databases can be subject-specific, or general, covering a range of topics.

Why search in databases?

  • Subject-specific databases can give more relevant results
  • Some databases have different search functions
  • There are databases that focus on particular resource types, e.g. newspapers, company data or videos


Key Databases


For more databases, take a look at the Subject Resource Guides for Business and Entrepreneurship and  Accounting and Finance

More Resources for MBA Students

Online resources can be accessed from anywhere, at anytime. Have a look at the Library's eBook Guide for information about eBooks, how to use them, and links to eBook databases where you can browse or search for eBooks. 

Proquest EBC eTextbook pilot - Cengage eTextbooks 

Access to 27 eTextbooks related to Education and Business (3 concurrent users)

Springer Business & Economics
Springer Business & Economics collection covers a range of areas including marketing, entrepreneurship, economics, business and professional management.

Wiley Online library

Journals, books, reference works, laboratory manuals and the Cochrane Library. Content covers a wide range of subjects including: Medicine, science, engineering and the social sciences.


What is Library Search?

Library Search is the University of Newcastle Library's main search tool. Use title, author or keywords to find eBooks and books, online and physical journals...and more!

Watch this video for tips on how to use Library Search


The Library Search Help Guide offers more Search Tips and FAQs.


How to Find Company Data

More Help for Finding Information

Go to Library Webinars to learn more library skills, including referencing, eBooks and database searching.