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JAMA Referencing Style:  Reference list

UON Library guide to JAMA Referencing Style for UON staff and students

General rules for the reference list


  • The reference list appears at the end of the document and includes only the sources cited in-text.
  • Reference list entries appear in the same order as cited in-text, arranged numerically by citation number.
  • Reference list entries are not indented. 
  • List the author names in the order they appear on the publication.
  • Where there are 6 or fewer authors, list all author names. 
  • Where there are 7 or more authors, list the first 3 authors followed by et al.
  • Enter surname (family or last name) first, followed by initials for each author.
  • Initials follow the surname of authors, no spaces or full-stops appear between initials, for example, Smith CK.
  • Treat hyphened initials as two initials regardless of capitalisation, for example, Ka-Wai Tam will be Tam KW; Hyun-seok Kim will be Kim HS.
  • Roman numerals and abbreviations for Junior (Jr) and Senior (Sr) follow authors’ initials, for example, Roe JP III, Coe RT Jr.
  • Capitalise surnames and enter spaces as they appear on the publication. For example, Van Den Hoffer or van der Hoffer.
  • Place a comma and space between each personal name.
  • Use a semicolon (not a comma) to separate a corporate author, for example, Smith J; World Medical Association.
  • Do not use and or & to separate the last two authors.
  • Do not include the article The before the name of any corporate author.
  • Anonymous should not be used in a reference unless that word was published in the work’s byline.
  • Capitalise article and chapter titles sentence case
  • Italicise and capitalise the titles of books and journals headline style.
  • ​If a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is available for your source, cite the DOI instead of URL.

Sample reference list


  • Reference list appears at the end of the document and includes only the sources cited in-text.
  • Reference list entries appear in the same order as cited in-text by citation number.
  • Reference list entries are not indented.

See more at the general rules for reference list tab above.



1.    Gammage B. Biggest Estate on Earth: How Aborigines Made Australia. Allen & Unwin; 2012.

2.    Obama B. United States health care reform: progress to date and next steps. JAMA. 2016;316(5):525-532. doi:10.1001/jama.2016.9797

3.   Akuhata-Huntington Z, Foster S, Gillon A, et al. COVID-19 and Indigenous resilience. Higher Education Research and Development. 2020;39(7):1377-1383. doi:10.1080/07294360.2020.1823327

4.   Fatmawati, Dewantara JA. Social resilience of indigenous community on the border: belief and confidence in anticipating the spread of COVID‐19 through the Besamsam custom in the Dayak community. J Community Appl Soc Psychol. 2022;32(6):1216-1233. doi:10.1002/casp.2611

5.    Hunter E. Aboriginal Health and History: Power and Prejudice in Remote Australia. Cambridge University Press; 1993. doi:10.1017/CBO9780511518188

6.    Boulton J, ed. Aboriginal Children, History and Health: Beyond Social Determinants. Taylor & Francis Group; 2016. doi:10.4324/9781315666501.

7.    Borrows J, Chartrand LN, Fitzgerald OE, Schwartz R, eds. Braiding Legal Orders: Implementing the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Centre for International Governance Innovation; 2019.

8.    Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation. The Australian Immunisation Handbook. 11th ed. Australian Government Dept of Health and Ageing; 2018-.  Updated May 18, 2022. Accessed February 14, 2023.

9.   Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. International Group on Indigenous Health Measurement. AIHW. Updated January 11, 2022. Accessed 19 January 2023.

10.   Kennedy J. Welcome to Country? TED Talks. YouTube. November 13, 2018. Accessed January 25, 2023.

11.   Zubrick SR, Lawrence D, de Maio J, Biddle N. Testing the Reliability of a Measure of Aboriginal Children's Mental Health: An Analysis Based on the Western Australian Aboriginal Child Health Survey. Australian Bureau of Statistics; 2006.  ABS cat no 1351.0.55.011. Accessed January 1, 2023.

12.    Rudolph KD, Flynn M. Depression in adolescents. In: Gottlib IH, Hammen CL, eds. Handbook of Depression. 3rd ed. Guilford Press; 2014:391-​409.

13.   Middleton R. Lennon, John Ono (1940–1980). In: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press; 2017. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/31351.

14.   Cao Y, Steffey S, He J, et al. Medical image retrieval: a multimodal approach. Cancer Inform. 2014;13(suppl 3):125-36. doi:10.4137/cin.S14053

15.   Champigneulle B, Merceron S, Lemiale V, et al. What is the outcome of cancer patients admitted to the ICU after cardiac arrest? results from a multicenter study. Resuscitation. 2015;92(7):38-44. doi:10.1016/j.resuscitation.2015.04.011

16.   Allison MA, Hurley LP, Markowitz L, et al. Primary care physicians' perspectives about HPV vaccine. Pediatrics. 2016;137(2):e20152488. doi:10.1542/peds.2015-2488

17.   Global Burden of Disease Cancer Collaboration. The global burden of cancer 2013. JAMA Oncol. 2015;1(4):505-27. doi:10.1001/jamaoncol.2015.0735

18.   Guggenheim JA, Williams C; UK Biobank Eye and Vision Consortium. Role of educational exposure in the association between myopia and birth order. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2015;133(12):1408-14. doi:10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2015.3556

19.   Incorrect percentages in the abstract. JAMA Oncol. 2017;3(12):1742. doi:10.1001/jamaoncol.2017.4368

20.   Clun R. Floods cost economy $5 billion last year. Sydney Morning Herald. January 12, 2023:3. Accessed January 13, 2023.

21.    Patrias K, Wendling D, ed. Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers. 2nd ed. National Library of Medicine (US); 2007-. Updated October 2, 2015. Accessed January 9, 2023.

22.    Loscalzo J, Fauci AS, Kasper DL, Hauser SL, Longo DL, Jameson JL. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine. 21st ed. Vol 2. McGraw Hill; 2022.

23.    Alberts B, Johnson A, Lewis J, Raff M, Roberts K, P W. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 5th ed. CD ROM. Garland Science; 2008.

24.    Berman A, Frandsen G, Snyder S, et al. Kozier & Erb's Fundamentals of Nursing: Concepts, Process and Practice. 5th Australian ed. Pearson Australia; 2021.

25.   American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 5th ed. American Psychiatric Association; 2013.

26.   Flaws B, trans. The Classic of Difficulties: A Translation of the Nan Jing. 3rd ed. Blue Poppy Press; 2004.

27.   Southey, R. The Life of Nelson. Blackie; date unknown.

28.   Boushey CJ. Application of research paradigms to nutrition practice. In: Coulston AM, Boushey CJ, Ferruzzi MG, eds. Nutrition in the Prevention and Treatment of Disease. 3rd ed. Academic Press; 2013:99-​105. doi:10.1016/C2010-0-69615-5

29. Jackson LG. Prenatal diagnosis: Down syndrome or more? Hum Mutat. 2017;38(7):749. doi:10.1002/humu.23242

30.   Musch DC, Janz NK, Leinberger RL, Niziol LM, Gillespie BW. Discussing driving concerns with older patients, II: vision care providers' approaches to assessment. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2013;131(2):213-218. doi:10.1001/2013.jamaophthalmol.106

31. Livingston G, Huntley J, Sommerlad A, et al. Dementia prevention, intervention, and care: 2020 report of the Lancet Commission. The Lancet. 2020;396(10248):413-446. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30367-6

32. Kehoe H, Schütze H, Spurling G, Lovett R. Development of a decolonising framework for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health policy analysis in Australia. International Indigenous Policy Journal. 2022;13(3). doi:10.18584/iipj.2022.13.3.11269

Abbreviations used in JAMA style


The following abbreviations are used in the JAMA style.

Please note: where confusion may result, spell out the word instead.​

  • Title of journals may be abbreviated. For accepted abbreviations see
    • [search by title, abbreviation, or ISSN].
    • Please note: 
      • never abbreviate journal titles consisting of a single word.
      • do not abbreviate journal titles in character-based languages.
  • The names of months are generally not abbreviated. However, in tables and figures, the month may be abbreviated using the first 3 letters to conserve space.  
  • See chapter 13.0 Abbreviations of the AMA Manual for more information if needed.


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