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JAMA Referencing Style:  Book chapters

UON Library guide to JAMA Referencing Style for UON staff and students

Book Chapters: General Rules:


Chapters from an edited book are cited by the chapter author, chapter title, followed by the word "In:" and information about the entire book, and then the page range of the chapter. For example,

Phillips SJ, Whisnant JP. Hypertension and stroke. In: Laragh JH, Brenner BM, eds. Hypertension: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Management. 2nd ed. Raven Press; 1995:465-478.


Chapter Author Names

  • List names in the order they appear on the publication
  • Initials follow the surname of authors, no spaces or full-stops appear between initials, for example, Smith CK
  • Capitalise surnames and enter spaces as they appear on the publication. For example, Van Den Hoffer or van der Hoffer
  • Where there are 6 or fewer authors, list all author names.
  • Where there are 7 or more authors, list the first 3 authors followed by “et al.”
  • Place a comma and space between each name.
  • Do not use “and” or “&” to separate any authors.

Chapter Titles

  • Capitalise only the first word of the chapter title (and words that normally begin with a capital letter).
  • Use a colon followed by a space to separate a title from a subtitle, unless a question mark is already present.
  • End a title with a period unless a question mark or exclamation point already ends it.
  • Do not italicize, underline or use quotation marks for chapter titles.

Editor Names

  • Use the editor's surname and initials, for example, Smith CK
  • Precede the editor's name with 'In', and follow the editor's name/s with ed/s. 

Book Titles

  • Capitalise only the first word of the book title (and words that normally begin with a capital letter).
  • Italicise and capitalise the book titles headline style.
  • Use a colon followed by a space to separate a title from a subtitle, unless a question mark is already present.
  • End a title with a period unless a question mark or exclamation point already ends it.


  • The edition other than the first is cited. The standard first edition is not cited. 
  • Terms of edition are abbreviated, for example, 2nd ed. (Second Edition), or Rev. ed. (Revised Edition)
  • Remove any superscript from editions when typing - all letters should be on the same line (e.g., 2nd ed.).

Place of Publication is no longer needed


  • The publisher’s name may be given either in full or in an abbreviated form.
  • Omit an initial The from a publisher’s name
  • List only the first publisher when there are multiple publishers. 

Year of Publication 

  • For books and book chapters, only the year, not the month or day, is included in the publication date.
  • When the publication date is unknown, use [date unknown].

Page Numbers

  • Include the page range for the chapter in full, eg, use 351-359, not 351-9.
  • If the page range is not available, for example, for an audio book, use the chapter no (e.g., 2021:chap 32). 

Chapter DOI vs Book DOI

  • If a book chapter has a DOI, use the chapter DOI rather than the DOI for the whole book.
  • For ebooks on the web, include the DOI if available or the Access date and the URL at the end of the citation.


Book chapters with 1 - 6 authors


  • Where there are 6 or fewer authors, list all author names in the reference.
  • Use full numbers for the inclusive chapter pages, for example, use 351-357 (not 351-7).
  • If the chapter doesn't have page numbers, use the chapter no instead, for example, chap 32.
  • If the book chapter or the book has a DOI, add it to the end.

See the general rules for book chapters for more details. 


Reference list entry: format and example


Citation No. 1-6 Chapter Author's Last Name Initials. Chapter title: subtitle. In: Editor's Last Name Initials, ed/s. Book Title: Subtitle. Edition. Publisher; Year of publication:page range. DOI if available


1.   Rudolph KD, Flynn M. Depression in adolescents. In: Gottlib IH, Hammen CL, eds. Handbook of Depression. 3rd ed. Guilford Press; 2014:391-​409.

2.   Boushey CJ. Application of research paradigms to nutrition practice. In: Coulston AM, Boushey CJ, Ferruzzi MG, eds. Nutrition in the Prevention and Treatment of Disease. 3rd ed. Academic Press; 2013:99-​105. doi:10.1016/C2010-0-69615-5

3.   Sudarsky L. Gait and balance disorders. In: Kasper DL, Fauci AS, Longo DL, Hauser SL, Jameson JL, Loscalzo J, eds. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine. 19th ed. McGraw-​ Hill; 2015:chap 32. Accessed May 8, 2021. http://​​ index.php

4.   Sondik EJ. Foreword. In: Healthy People 2010: Final Review. National Center for Health Statistics; 2012:iii.


Book chapters with 7 or more authors


  • Where there are 7 or more authors, list the first 3 authors followed by “et al.”

See the general rules for book chapters for more details. 


Reference list entry: format and example


Citation No. 1-3 Chapter Author's Last Name Initials, et al. Chapter title: subtitle. In: Editor's Last Name Initials, ed/s. Book Title: Subtitle. Edition. Publisher; Year of publication:page range.


1.  Pryor JA, Prasad SA, Bethune D, et al. Physiotherapy techniques. In: Pryor JA, Prasad SA, eds. Physiotherapy for Respiratory and Cardiac Problems: Adults and Paediatrics. 4th ed. Churchill Livingstone; 2008:134-217. 

Entries or chapters from reference works


Be sure to check with your lecturer if these kinds of resources are suitable for use in your assignments.
  • Reference works include dictionaries, encyclopaedias, thesauri, handbooks, etc.
  • An entry from a reference book with individual authors can be cited in the same way as for book chapters 

See the general rules for book chapters for more details. 


Reference list entry: format and example


Citation No. Chapter Author's Last Name Initials. Entry title. In: Editor's Last Name Initials, ed. Reference Book Title: Subtitle. Edition. Publisher; Year of publication:page range. DOI if available


1.  Middleton R. Lennon, John Ono (1940–1980). In: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press; 2017. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/31351.