Some of your assignments may require you to write in LaTeX format. If so, you will need to use BibTeX to manage your references.
BibTeX is a reference management tool and a file format used for creating and formatting in-text citations and reference list in LaTeX documents. It allows you to maintain a database of references and cite them in your LaTeX documents in a chosen style. See the tab above on About BibTeX for more details.
BibTeX citation generators are available in our library databases and on the web.
Please Note
BibTeX is a reference management tool and a file format used for creating and formatting in-text citations and reference list in LaTeX documents. It allows you to maintain a database of references and cite them in your LaTeX documents in a chosen style.
1. Set up a BibTeX reference database
Create a plain text file and save it with a ".bib" extension, e.g., `references.bib`.
You can add references into your BibTeX database by manually typing them in, or import from other systems such as Google Scholar or EndNote.
Each entry in the database represents a reference and has a unique citation key to identify it.
Each reference in the BibTeX database follows a specific format. The general BibTeX entry format is:
Field={field content},
There are various entry types like @article, @inproceedings, @thesis, etc., each with different required and optional fields. Here's an example of a book entry:
author = {Author Name},
title = {Book Title},
publisher = {Publisher},
year = {Year},
author = {Gammage, Bill},
booktitle = {The biggest estate on earth: How Aborigines made Australia},
publisher = {Allen \& Unwin},
year = {2011},
2. Cite references in your LaTeX document
In your .tex file, use the \cite{citation_key} command to cite a reference. For example:
According to \cite{smith_01}, ...
3. Specify the bibliography style and name of the reference database
At the end of your LaTeX document, add the following lines to specify the bibliography style and the name of your BibTeX database:
Replace `style` with the desired LaTeX bibliography style, such as `plain`, `alpha`, `unsrt`, 'acm', 'ieeetr', or a style file provided by a specific journal or conference. The `references` should match the name of your BibTeX database file without the extension.
4. Compile your LaTeX document to generate in-text citations and bibliography
Run LaTeX on your document, then run BibTeX, and then run LaTeX again and again. This sequence ensures that the citations and bibliography are generated correctly.
Please Note: The specific commands for compilation depend on your LaTeX editor or environment. For example, if you are using Overleaf, you may see the changes instantly when you turn the Auto Compile feature on.
Remember to update your BibTeX database with new references or modifications when necessary.
Note: you must correct any errors when you add the BibTeX citations into your .bib file.
Note: you must correct any errors when you add the BibTeX citations into your .bib file.
Note: you must correct any errors when you add the citation codes into your .bib file.
If you use EndNote and write in LaTeX, you can export BibTeX citations from EndNote.
The BibTeX Citation Code from Google Scholar
You can then copy the code into your BibTeX file and edit it as needed there. |
Note: you must correct any errors when you copy and paste the citations into your BibTeX file.
Download BibTeX Citations from Library Search
Note: you must correct any errors when you add the BibTeX citations into your .bib file.
Note: you must correct any errors when you copy and paste the citations into your BibTeX file.
Note: you must correct any errors when you copy and paste the citations into your BibTeX file.
Note: you must correct any errors when you copy and paste the citations into your BibTeX file.
Note: you must correct any errors when you copy and paste the citations into your BibTeX file.
Note: you must correct any errors when you add the BibTeX citations into your .bib file.