Aborigines Resting by a Camp Fire near the Mouth of the Hunter River, Newcastle, NSW.
by Joseph Lycett (ca.1775 - 1828)
M1438 - M1440 | Drawings by Aboriginal Children “These exhibits were supplied by the Newcastle Awabakal Culture Class conducted by The Aboriginal Co-Operative Society. These children attend weekly classes to learn the Awabakal mother tongue…elders and initiated persons take them on visits to sacred sites in Lake Macquarie and the Lower Hunter Valley.” |
Sept.1980 |
M1441 | Poster of Cave Paintings “Aboriginal Cave Paintings, Cobar N.S.W.” Published by National Parks and Wildlife Service. |
[1980] |
A5582(ix) | The Breelong Blacks - A Critical Analysis A xerox copy of history essay, 1980. Analysis of poem about the Governor outlaws by Arthur Noonan. see also: |
A5422(i) (a) | The Breelong Blacks by Arthur Noonan |
A6082(x) | Xerox copies of maps of Laguna and surrounding areas showing names of residents and locations of Aboriginal markings. [Restricted] |
A7075 | Racism Symposium papers | 1972. |
UNACCESSIONED | 2 boxes of newsclippings relating to Aboriginal issues ca 1960s – 1970s |
A7233(vii) | Diary and letters of Lieutenant William Coke, 1827 (xerox copies) |
A7233(viii) | Introduction and transcript of the Diary of Lieutenant William Coke, 1827 by Percy Haslam. |
For a full listing of all the papers and artefacts please also see The Percy Haslam Collection .
The Percy Haslam Collection, which forms the foundation of our Aboriginal research collections, arrived in 1977 when Percy had been appointed the University of Newcastle's visiting convocation scholar in residence researching Aboriginal dreaming, history, culture and language.
He had come to the University after retiring from the Newcastle Herald, where he had worked for forty four years as its industrial and political roundsman and associate editor. In May 1984, in recognition of his wonderful work in indigenous culture and language, he was presented with the Honorary degree of Master of Arts, honoris causa. Percy Haslam died on September 17th 1987 leaving a body of work reflecting his love and passion for Aboriginal culture.
Since Percy's death, the Collection has been of enormous interest for people researching the native culture of the region. The Collection comprises his research papers, notes, photographs, books and artefacts. They are a personal record of his investigations. He spoke to many people, white and black, and recorded all he learned from them. Percy's investigations into the native languages of the region has recently inspired and spawned at least five independent researches into the native tongues of the region, meaning that there is a chance that in future we may see our local native tongues taught in schools along with english. This was one of Percy's dreams.
The collection of artefacts including many weapons has recently been placed on exhibition at the Regional Museum's Mixed Mobs display. The collection has also acted as a catalyst in allowing for the deposit of other collections to the University including the Laut Family Collection of artefacts, to be eventually housed in the new Umulliko Centre.
A5410(i) | Aboriginal myths and legends and other material relating to the Aborigines of Eastern New South Wales [Typescripts], | 1977-1979. |
A5410(ii) | Xerox copy of above | |
A5410(ii) | Pioneer reminiscences - based on the writings and reminiscences of Mr A.W.S. MacKay who died in 1957, aged 90. Typescript by Mr P.A. Haslam relating to mid - North Coast Tribal History. | 1978 |
A5410(vii) | Teaching Aboriginal History as a Basic Subject in Secondary School. [A submission to the New South Wales Premier, with correspondence. [Typescript] | June 20th 1978 |
A5410(viii) | Typed information on Boomerang (A5416) and the site where the Boomerang was found in the Wallanbah district near Gloucester. | |
A5410(ix) | Newspaper article “History preserved in Photographic Collection.” from Port Macquarie News March 23rd, 1981. [Refers to Thomas Dick Collection of Photographs located at B8879.] | |
A5410(x) |
[Eather Manuscript] Xerox copy of The History of Bulga near Singleton N.S.W. from 1820 to 1921 by A.N. Eather, and a description of the last combined Bora ceremony on the family property in 1852. See also A6719A for 7 colour slides of Aboriginal cut trees from the Grahamstown Area. See also A5896(ix) which is a shortened version of the Eather manuscript entitled The History of Bulga by Alexander Nicholas Eather. [Donated by Mrs K. Foggo 1979.] |
A5410(xi) | Hunter District Water Board Journal, containing article “Preserving the past nature’s way” by Percy Haslam. | 1978 |
A5410(xii) | Xerox copies of The Australasian Anthropological Journal, March 31st 1897 and April 30th, 1897. | |
A5410(xiii) | Deflecting Shield [transferred to A5416] | |
A5410(xiv) | Awabakal Newsletter [January? and March] 1979. | |
A5410(xv) | Lake Macquarie Community Gallery invitations to an exhibition “The Art of the Aboriginal People “ | Sept. 12th, 1980. |
A5410(xvi) | List of weapons and artifacts [in boxes A5411-A5412] | |
A5410(xvii) | Artwork of Aboriginal Children, exhibits supplied by the Newcastle Awabakal Culture Class conducted by the Aboriginal Co-operative Society. | |
A5410(xviii) | Certificate of Merit, Lake Macquarie Herald Aboriginal Essay Competition, October 1975, to mark 150th Anniversary of settlement at Belmont. | |
A5410(xix) | Haslam Photographic Collection List of Photographs [Collection located at B8879b, B8876, B8879, B8878, B8879a, B8877]. | |
A5411-A5412, A5416 | Aboriginal Weapons:
All articles, except those marked with W (Wonarua) are of the Awabakal tribe, mainly from the western side of Lake Macquarie. These are black in colour, compared with the reddish wood used by the Wonarua tribe. Woods are preserved by being rubbed with Possum or Wallaby fat. River or Water Gum is light in colour when young, but turns red when matured. Myrtle is a very heavy wood. Hind wood is a very hard wood. River and Water Gum (Triftania Laurina) Black Wattle (Acacia Decurrens). Note Ring Gidgee (Cambagei) gives off a nasty ordour when damp or wet. |
A5414(xv) | Tomago News, November 1982. Contains articles on Tomago Aboriginal History, Tomago History, Tomago aluminium smelter and the Year of the Tree. | |
A5414(xvi) | Puleeta: a journal of Aboriginal inmates of Cessnock Corrective Centre, December 1985 Issue 1, December 1986, Issue 2. | |
A6704 | Aboriginal records:
A6705 - A6706B | Printed material and typescripts on Land rights and Aboriginal affairs, employment, education, health, including Parliamentary reports and the impact of mining on Aborigines,1976-1986.
Law and Aboriginal rights. History of treatment of Aborigines by white Australians..Act relating to Torres Strait Islanders. Aboriginal Councils and Associations Act 1976. |
A6707(i) | Second report from the Select Committee of the Legislative Assembly upon Aborigines. | 1981 |
A6707(ii) | Ngali: School of Australian Linguistics Darwin Institute of Technology Newsletter, June 1985. Aboriginal Hostels Limited, Annual Report, 1979 |
A6707(iii)- | Manuscript and typescript notes on Aboriginal languages. | |
A6708(i) | Awabakal language including radio lessons and primer 1985-1986, including Gateshead High School Course. | |
A6708(ii) | Radio language class, 1982-1984. | |
A6708(iii) | Five manuscript notebooks on Awabakal language for Gatehead class [n.d.] | |
A6709(i) | Kattang Language notes | 1979 -1980 |
A6709(ii) | Dungatti Language | 1986 |
A6709(iii) | Kamilaroi Language | 1980 -1985 |
A6709(iv) | Gringhai Language | 1983 |
A6709(v) | Thanghatti Language | |
A6709(vi) | Wanarua, Worimi Lanuages | 1980 |
A6709(vii) | An Attempt Towards a Comparative Grammar of Two Australian languages, by N.M.Holmer [Katang and Thangatti languages]. | |
A6709(viii) | Tribal Society and Language, Address by P.A.Haslam at Raymond Terrace High School. | 1983 |
A6709(ix) | Bundjaluna Picture Book | |
A6709(x) | Ngamba Language | |
A6709(xi) | Aboriginal place names | |
A6709(xii) | Aboriginal poetry | |
A6709(xiii) | Aboriginal mathematics | |
A6709(xiv) | Aboriginal languages - general. | |
A6710 | Aboriginal sites: reports, surveys and correspondence, 1982-1986. [Includes surveys of proposed development at Tea Gardens and Kerrabee Dam near Muswellbrook, 1982] | |
A6711 | Traditions and ceremonies. | |
A6712 | Aboriginal History and Culture | |
A6712(i) | Awabakal, includes Old Margaret of Swansea, Awabakal Co- op. | |
A6712(ii) | Wonarua Tribe | |
A6712(iii) | Kamilaroi Tribe | |
A6712(iv) | Aborigines of the Hunter Region | |
A6712(v) | General history of Aborigines | |
A6712(vi) | Denman Rotary Club address. | April 1984 |
A6712(vii) | Aboriginal mathematics [Typescript] Transfer to A6709(xiii) Notes on Natives in Newcastle 1842-1858. |
A6712(viii) | "The Kattang (Kuthung) or Worimi: an Aboriginal Tribe" by W.J.Enright [Xerox copy from “Native Tribes of South East Australia”, 1932]. | |
A6712(ix) | Aborigines of Port Stephens and Great Lakes Area. | |
A6713 | The Australasian Anthropological Journal, April 30th 1897 [Xerox copy] The Earliest Inhabitants: Aboriginal Tribes of Dungog, Port Stephens and Gresford, by Gordon Bennett. |
A6714 | Papers relating to Aboriginal art and artifacts 1981-1987 Cutting stones The Prehistoric Arts, manufactures, works, weapons, etc of the Aborigines of Australia…, by Thomas Worsnop, 1897 [copy]. "Aboriginal rock paintings at Wollombi", by W.J.Enwright, 1934 [Reprint from “Mankind”, October 1934]. |
A6715 | Facsimile of London Chronicle, July 20th 1771, Supplement to Daily Mirror April 1969, Press clippings on Aborigines and Hunter Valley history 1975-1986, Press clippings on Threlkeld, Newcastle shipwrecks, St Clements Church of England Gloucester and Bishop Tyrrell. |
A6716 | Manuscript notes on Aborigines and Hunter Valley history. | |
A6717 | Papers relating to Aboriginal Studies Address to Singleton Historical Society, 1980 “History and Atonement”. Address by Roy Nichols, Chairman NAC October, 12th, 1980 [on Aboriginal History]. |
A6718 | Maps and Plans [most undated]
Eastern New South Wales including Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Tomago, Hunter valley, Kerribee Dam, Mangrove Creek dam, Barrington Tops, Proposed airport - Aero Pelican. |
A6719A | Photographs of New South Wales Aborigines Glass slides of tree cuts in the Grahamstown Area Notes on the photographic collection |
A6719B | Album of prints from the Thomas Dick Collection of Aboriginal photographs [Transferred from albums B8876-9a] | |
A6720 | Correspondence. | 1938-1987 |
A6721(i) | Records relating to the history of Lake Macquarie 1828-1980s [includes listing of early land grants]. | |
A6721(ii) | Records relating to Murray’s Run [Near Wollombi]. | |
A6721(iii) | Records relating to the journals of Lady isabella Louisa Parry, 1828-1983, and photographs of Charles, Edward and Isabella Parry. | |
A6721(viii) | Biography of William Sacheverell Coke of Derbyshire, 1805- 1896. | |
A6722(v)-(vi) | Group photographs:
Wedding; C.A. Brown Village; two unidentified men holding shackles; rowing groups; The Lawrence family; East Gresford; East Gresford School 1904; Swansea School pre- 1920; Glen William School 1897; Raymond Terrace School ca.1900; Singleton High School students at Hunter Valley Aboriginal site; Bolton Street Newcastle School 1919;Unidentified cricket team; Distinguished Colonists of NSW, Unidentified group outside wooden building ca.1890’s; P.Haslam and Aborigines. |
A6722(viii) | Portrait photographs:
John Dick; Cletus Taylor; Ivor David Peebles; John Wilkinson shoots dead Joe Governor [dead]; unidentified child [negative]. |
A6722(ix) | Early Newcastle photographs [n.d.];Cohen’s Fire; Coach and Draft Horses; Raymond Terrace in flood [n.d.]; War Office photographs 1945; unidentified grave; Threlkeld; metal object. | |
A6724 | The Founding of the A.I.M. [Australian Inland Mission] in Australia by Reta Dixon [First meeting August 1st, 1905]. “The Rev. G.A.Middleton and other early colonial chaplains in the lower Hunter.” Chapter IV Morpeth and I.[Xerox copy]. "Conference and ergativity in Warrungu discourse", Tsunoda, Tasaku, University of Nagoya [Paper presented ca.1985]. [Eather Manuscript] Photocopy of Eather manuscript on the History of Bulga 1820 - 1921. |
A6725(viii) | Secret Societies: Druidism [Typescript n.d.] [with comparison to Aboriginal customs]. | |
A6725(ix) | Typescript on the writing of Aboriginal history, with references to The Singleton Budget, Melville and Harry, Kate Beresford, Hunter Valley Aborigines, Cooranbong and Seventh Day Adventists [n.d.]. Kate Beresford [Typescript]. Melville and Harry, by William Collins. Submitted to The Budget, 1895. |
A6725(xi) |
Typescripts of interviews and reminiscences:
A6725(xii) | Reprints on early Britons, cultures and artefacts. | |
A6725(xiv) | Threlkeld [Typescript notes]. | |
A6725(xvi) | Renewing of the dreaming newsletter, May 1983. “Change equals a multicultural society” by P.A.Haslam [?] Certificate of education of Percy Jepson 1898. |
A6725(xvii) | Papers relating to L.E.Threlkeld and Threlkeld Family 1788- 1859 | |
A6725(xviii) | Personal papers including a biography of P.A. Haslam. |