This guide contains key resources for developing the digital skills you need for university and beyond. Click on the tabs above to find information, tutorials and videos.
Go to our Assess yourself page to see the Digital Capabilities Framework for the University of Newcastle. It describes the different categories of digital capability, what is valued by employers, and how you can upskill.
Did you know that your course already includes digital capabilities?
The library will work with you to map what already exists in your course, what can be made more visible, and whether anything is missing.
We have created a survey tool aligned with the Digital Capabilities Framework which takes you through each different capability. You can work through the survey yourself, or contact us for help.
Use this Library Support for Learning, Teaching & Research form to request assistance with digital capabilities mapping, LinkedIn Learning access, and more.
Is there anything more you would like us to include in this guide? Let us know by going to our Feedback page and we will do our very best to add the resources you want.