Your Student ID card is your library card to borrow physical items. To access and borrow electronic resources you will use your student number or email to log into the platform where it is hosted. Physical library items can be borrowed via the self-check machines or by visiting the Service Zones at your campus library. You will need to log in with your student details to request and renew items and access Course Readings.
Item Type | Number | Loan Period | Renewal |
Book | Unlimited | 2 weeks | 5 |
Journal | 6 | 1 week | 5 |
AV Kit + DVD | 15 | 2 weeks, 1 week or 3 days* | 5 |
Hold | 10 | NA | NA |
Course Reading | 2 | 24 hours | NA |
HNE Health | 6 | see receipt* | NA |
* Loan periods vary, always check your receipt or MyLibrary.