To prepare for your exams you will need a complete sets of notes for each subject (also known as master summaries).
Master summaries are complete sets of notes for each topic or week of the semester to use for review and exams.
A complete set of notes includes:
A complete set of notes each week means you have all the information you need in the one place.
It is a good idea to use Cornell’s note taking method to summarise, because you can use the left hand column to state your sub-headings, use the right hand side to make your points or maps, and the summary section at the bottom of the page to test your knowledge.
Once you have completed your master summaries it is time to revise and the best way to review these master summaries is by using either dot points or mind maps for each topic. To help you think about what you are learning, rather than just re-reading your notes, actively engage with the material.
Here are some ideas that might help you remember content:
From Cottrell, S. (1999). The study skills handbook, New York: McMillan Press.