Sourcebook for Aboriginal studies : 2000-Present Sources
2000-Present Sources for Aboriginal Studies
Maynard, John. Whose Traditional Land? Yutilliko (Awobokal -"To Guide")[Report to ascertain the traditional owners of the land now occupied by the Callaghan Campus of the University of Newcastle]. [Wollotuka site]
For the theoretical background relating to the digital capture of such imagery please see the paper by Sabry El-Hakim (2006) and Chandler et al (2007 below. These illustrative ground breaking 3D innovative materials have been kindly provided with permission from Emeritus Professor John Fryer.
Brayshaw, H. (2005). On revisiting Gundy: a meeting of history and archaeology. From Many exchanges : archaeology, history, community and the work of Isabel McBryde / edited by Ingereth Macfarlane with Mary-Jane Mountain and Robert Paton", Section 2, Chapter 20, 2005, pp. 227-248
Garry Jones 1993 / 2009 Dip. Art (Educ.), First Class Hons.; M.A. (Studio Art), New York Univ. Acknowledging the input of Peter Crousen, fieldwork partner from 1978 onwards, along with that of Paul Gordon, our Aboriginal brother (Nyampah language group, Wongaipuon dialect, Galugeilu 'stone people' clan), 1989 onwards.