A podcast is a simple multimedia file that allows others to view or listen to the content via a phone, tablet or computer.
You can produce a podcast with the use of a smartphone and a computer.
You can record your podcast on your phone. If you have an iphone, you can make use of the voice memo app in the ultilies folder.
Ensure you have enough storage on your phone to do this. You can also email the recording to yourself to uploading your recording.
Before recording your podcast, it is important to think about the structure, so before you press record consider the following tips:
Make sure you test out your equipment before you begin recording your podcast.
Listen back over the recording as soon as possible. The material is fresh in your mind and easier to judge objectively.
Save the recording to your computer file, device or one drive. Make sure you label your recording to make it easier to find.
If you would like to use specific podcasting apps, why not try one of these:
Anchor: This app helps to break down podcasting into easy segments.
Audacity: Free software used to record and edit podcasts.