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Education: Resources

A Library Guide for Education resources for students and staff of the University of Newcastle

Education Databases

Searching in databases is a great way to ensure you're getting the best possible search results. Try these Education databases to find resources that are most relevant to your discipline.

EBSCO Databases

ProQuest Databases

Emerald Databases

Informit Databases


            Covers educational research, special education and music education

            Research methods tool to help researchers understand and use particular research methods. 


Taylor & Francis

             Full text journal articles for science, technology, social sciences and humanities.



Web Resources

Evaluate the resources you find online carefully, as not all are suitable quality for use in your studies. These Education web resources are recommended by your University of Newcastle Library. 

Syllabus for Australian Curriculum

Evaluate the resources you find online carefully, as not all are suitable quality for use in your studies. These Education web resources are recommended by your University of Newcastle Library. 

Early Childhood 

Early Learning Languages Australia

The Early Learning Languages Australia program (ELLA) program is a digital, play-based program which includes a series of interactive applications (apps), aimed at making language learning engaging and interesting to young children in preschool and the early years of school.

Australian Early Development Census (AEDC)

The Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) is a population measure of how young children in Australia have developed by the time they start their first year of full-time school. The AEDC looks at groups of children in the community, not individuals.

English Language Learning for Indigenous Children (ELLIC) trial

The English Language Learning for Indigenous Children (ELLIC) trial will aim to improve English literacy outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander preschool children for whom English is an additional language or dialect (EAL/D). ELLIC will be underpinned by a play-based, interactive...

The Disability Standards for Education 2005

The Disability Standards for Education 2005 clarify the obligations of education and training providers, and seek to ensure that students with disability can access and participate in education on the same basis as other students. ...

Starting Blocks

Learning Tools


ABC Education Resources: English

Victorian State Government: Literacy and English Teaching Resources

The Teacher's Toolkit for Literacy Podcast



Australian Curriculum Lessons

ABC Education Resources: Maths

Aussie Educator: Mathematics Resources

Mathematical Association of NSW Inc 

Maths 300 is a library of maths lessons that is owned and maintained by the Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers (AAMT).



STEM Australia

Early Learning STEM Australia Early Learning STEM Australia (ELSA) is a play-based digital learning program for children in preschool to explore science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). ELSA allows children to play, experiment and make sense of the world around them – which is part of STEM, and also part of being a child. ELSA’s STEM Practices encourage children to ask questions, make predictions, experiment, and reflect on what happened and why.

Future Makers: Useful STEM links

STEM Women

STEP Up Program

ABC Education Resources: STEM

Early Learning STEM Australia

STEM Education Research Centre



Australian Curriculum SA: Working with Curriculum (HASS)

ABC Education Resources: Geography

ABC Education Resources: History 

ABC Education Resources: Civics & Citizenship

Australian Government: Support for Humanities and Social Sciences



Art Education Australia

Aussie Educator: The Arts Resources

Victorian Registration & Qualifications Authority: The Arts Online Resources

National Gallery of Australia: Curriculum Art Sets

ABC Education Resources: Arts


Health & Physical Education

Janice Atkin Education Consultant: Resources to support implementation of PDHPE 

FUSE: Start exploring resources aligned to the Victorian Curriculum

NSW Government Teaching Resources

Nestle for Heathier Kids - The Good Village



NSW Government: Languages

Aussie Educator: Languages Resources

First Languages Australia: Education Initiatives

Evaluate the resources you find online carefully, as not all are suitable quality for use in your studies. These Education web resources are recommended by your University of Newcastle Library. 

Professional Associations

Let us know what you want

Is there anything more you would like us to include in this guide? Let us know by going to our Feedback page and we will do our very best to add the resources you want.

Open Access Textbooks and Resources

Did you know that there are many great textbooks and resources that are available for free?

Open Educational Resources (OER) are defined by UNESCO as

“… teaching, learning and research materials in any medium – digital or otherwise – that reside in the public domain or have been released under an open license that permits no-cost access, use, adaptation and redistribution by others with no or limited restrictions....”

The following textbooks are examples of resources suited for Education that are 100% free and available for you to use during your degree and beyond!

For information about OER's, please see our guide.

Key eBooks

Useful resources for understanding your topic and finding the right keywords to use in your searching. 

Your Subject Librarians

This guide has been created by University of Newcastle Librarians who work with your schools to make sure you have access to the resources you need. The Librarians supporting Education are:

Research Liaison Librarian

Jennie Skulander