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Preparing for MATH2800: Home

What's in this guide?

Are you taking MATH2800 soon? This guide reviews content from the most relevant topics of MATH1110 and MATH1120 in preparation for the journey into MATH2800.

Topics covered in this guide are:

  1. Calculus
  2. Complex numbers
  3. Vectors
  4. Differential equations
  5. Numerical methods
  6. Multivariable calculus
  7. Linear Algebra

Learning (or revising) this material will make MATH2800 a more enjoyable course.

How do I use this guide?

Use this guide to refresh your memory of prior mathematics in preparation for MATH2800.

You can view all of the written material from this guide in the following PDF:

Otherwise, you can move through the individual topics by navigating to the relevant pages in this guide (but it's best to keep the subtopics in order since they build on each other).

On each page of this guide, you can choose to either watch a video or read a PDF - they both work through the same material.

Need more help?

Academic Learning Support advisers specialise in supporting students at UON in developing their maths and stats skills.

If you'd like help with specific questions, then you're welcome to visit a MASH drop-in (held via Zoom during each semester - see CareerHub for event details and drop-in times).
Alternatively, you can book an individual appointment with a learning adviser through CareerHub to discuss your progress.

Once you have enrolled into MATH2800, you can view the MASH page on your course Canvas site for the most up-to-date information on MASH support available within your course.

Thanks for reviewing this guide, and we hope you enjoy the course!