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Data Management: Help

Services and Contacts for University of Newcastle Researchers

Services and support for University of Newcastle research staff and students are offered across a number of units including Research Services, IT Services and the Library.

Creating citable profiles for research data

Research Data Australia is a national web portal containing descriptions of research data sets and collections and associated researchers. This service provides information to link users to the data; rich descriptions; information on any access conditions or restrictions; availability of the data and/or details of a primary contact person for the data. Research Data Australia is intended to profile research activity in Australia and is a platform for connecting researchers with research data so as to promote data sharing and re-use.

Library staff are available to help researchers wishing to create and contribute a citable profile for their research datasets or collections. The profiles contain rich metadata descriptions to enable global discovery, potentially connecting researchers and furthering discoveries and promoting collaboration opportunities. Library staff can construct the profile on behalf of the researcher who has final approval prior to publication.

View the University of Newcastle profile on Research Data Australia

Email: to discuss profiling and describing your research data.

Advice on data management planning

The Library in conjunction with Research Services is available to provide advice on research data management planning. The Research Data Toolkit has been developed as a resource for researchers and contains guides on many aspects of research data management across the data lifecycle from planning to archiving.

Support for publishing datasets underpinning journal publications

The Library can also provide support to publish datasets that underpin journal publications. Some journals require that supporting data is deposited in an open access repository prior to publication. NOVA is the University of Newcastle's institutional digital repository and can assist with central storage, management and access to research related outputs including small static datasets for University of Newcastle affiliated staff and students.

Research data storage

The University of Newcastle's Research Data Storage (RDS) facility provides for the secure storage of research data for University of Newcastle researchers. To apply for storage space on this facility, please read the Research Data and Materials Management Guideline  and complete the application form to request storage.



Research Support Services, Library

Research Data Support
Email your enquiry to:

Research Services

Alan Hales - Manager Research Compliance, Integrity and Policy, Research Integrity Unit
Phone: +61 498 54269

IT Services

Academic and Research Computing Support (ARCS), is responsible for supporting the specialised computing needs of researchers, academic staff and higher degree research students of the University of Newcastle.

Contact ServiceUON to initiate discussions with IT staff.
The 17000 service will log a call to direct your enquiry to an appropriate IT staff member.

Additional Resources

Additional Resource Guides for File formats

UK Data Archive. Managing and sharing Data (file formats p. 11.)

DDC. Digital Curation Manual. File Formats.

Selecting file formats for long term preservation. The National Archives. 2008

Library of Congress. Sustainability of File formats

National Library of Australia. Preserving Access to Digital Information

Cambridge University. (2011).Common Image Formats: what to use when.

JISC Digital Media (2011).Still images, moving images and sound advice.

File Formats – Working Level. ANDS Guide

PDF Files for long term preservation

A format for digital preservation of images. A study on JPEG2000 File robustness.
DLib Magazine. July/August 2008. Vol. 14, number 7/8.