Research Data Management
Good practice in data management is required to maintain reliable and accurate data throughout the data's lifecycle. Good data management will also facilitate data re-use after completion of the project and enable others to replicate research outcomes into the future. Raising awareness of good practice for data management starts with planning.
Data Management DashboardThe Data Management Dashboard is an online tool for your Data Management Plans (DMPs), your Data Archival records (tell the university about your data and its location at the end of your project) and online services to publish your datasets. |
Plan your Research Project
Manage Data
Publish and Share your Data
Data Management Plans
A data management plan (DMP) is a document outlining how research data and associated materials will be managed, stored, documented and secured throughout a research project as well as planning for what will happen to the data and materials after completion of the project. This includes retention and disposal, archiving, accessing, sharing or publishing the data, and any conditions or restrictions for sharing the data. The plan is intended to provide descriptive details of the data, the processes, decisions, as well as identifying key roles and responsibilities.
The Data Management Dashboard allows you to create an online Data Management Plan that will satisfy the requirements of University of Newcastle policy and most research funder requirements. If your funder has specific requirements beyond the scope of this plan, please contact for further help.
Your plan can also be exported as a PDF document. Information provided in your plan can be re-used at a future time to create a record about your research data, ensuring that you (via the Data Management Dashboard) can meet the data governance responsibilities as required by the Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, by being able to locate and access the data as required.
The DMP addresses the main issues for consideration during the planning stage of your project, for example:
Head to the Data Management Dashboard to start creating your plan or contact your Liaison Librarian for Data Management Planning advice
PRONOM - The Technical Registry
Developed by the Digital Preservation Department of the UK National Archives, PRONOM provides authoritative information about data file formats and supporting software products including technical requirements and support lifecycles. Users can search by file format extension, name of software, vendor or keyword.
Library of Congress. Sustainability of File formats
This website provides a browsable alphabetical list of desciptions of file formats, file format classes, bitstream structures and encodings along with inforamtion on compression of files or bitstreams.
Developed as part of a broader program providing guidance on the creation of digital content and preservation for future generations.
Digital Curation and Preservation Bibliography
From the Digital Scholarship website covering digital copyright, digital curation, digital repositories, open access, scholarly communication, and other digital information issues.
Guides to Assist with Data Management and Planning
UK Data Archive. Managing and Sharing Data, 3rd edition, 2011
Australian National Data Service. Data Management Plans, 2017
ICPSR. Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research. Guide to Social Science Data Preparation and Archiving. Best Practice Throughout the Data Life Cycle: 6th ed.
UK Data Archive. Data Management for Qualitative Data Using NVIVO9, 2011