Plan for research
Identifying and developing research
Systematic vs literature reviews
UN Sustainable Development Goals
During your research you will collect data, ranging from visual to numerical, descriptive, or tactile data. Storing and managing data correctly, allows for it to be easily shared, reused, or reproduced. Good data management practice is essential to maintain reliable and accurate data throughout your research project.
A data management plan helps you to develop and continue effective data management practice. It is a document that outlines how research data will be managed, stored, documented, and secured before, during and once your research is complete. Some grant bodies and funding providers require the creation and maintenance of a data management plan as a criterion for funding. This ensures good data management practice throughout and beyond the life of your research. Depending on the type of research you are conducting there may be data and metadata standards and restrictions that you need to adhere to when managing your data. |
The University of Newcastle Library administers an online tool called the Data Management Dashboard containing data management plan templates, and a service to house and publish your data, including metadata records describing the data. This dashboard meets the requirements for the Australian Research Code of Practice, University of Newcastle Guidelines, and funder data management statements e.g., ARC Discovery Grants.
The 'Manage data' module of this Toolkit provides more information about planning, organising, storing, archiving, sharing and citing research data..