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Researcher Skills Toolkit

Telling your metrics story

The story you tell about your outputs with research metrics will depend upon several factors, including:

  • What you are writing. Is it for a grant application? Are you applying for promotion?
  • Are those who will be reading your story part of academia, or your discipline? Do you need to be mindful of the level of detail to include, acronyms and explanation of terminology?
  • Do you need to focus on publications over your entire career, or a specific subset (e.g. most current years, only outputs on a particular topic)?
  • Is there a limit imposed on how much detail can be included? Grant applications often impose a word limit.
  • Can content other than text be included, such as visualisations or tables?
When a word limit is imposed, you may need to compose a concise paragraph bringing together information using a range of metrics which highlight your publication successes.

Example of telling your story with research metrics

Examples for individual metrics:
Metric Example text
Citation count
  • My 2022 Australian Journal of Education review article has been cited 32 times
  • My 2018-2022 publications have received a total of 428 citations
Field weighted metric
  • The average field weighted citation impact of my 2018-2022 publications is 4.12, indicating they are cited over 3 times above the world average in my field of obstetrics
  • 21 of my publications are cited above the world average
  • My American Economic review article has an FWCI of 3.85
Top citation percentiles
  • 5 of my publications (career total) are included in the top 1% of cited publications in occupational therapy
  • 8 of my 2018-2022 articles are included in the 10% of cited publications
  • My 2022 Australian Journal of Education review article has been cited 32 times, placing it in the top 1% of cited publications in my research field
  • My H5-Index is 5. This indicates that of the 7 publications indexed in Web of Science at least 5 have been cited 5 times
  • I am the first named author on 12 publications which have been cited 510 times, and have an average field FWCI of 2.45. Three of these publications are included in the top 10% of cited publications
  • Over 57% of my publications include co-authors from international institutions in 13 countries, including Canada, New Zealand, France, Spain
  • I have collaborated with 43 co-authors from 39 institutions located in 24 countries
Journal quality
  • 12 of my articles are published in Quartile 1 impact factor journals in the subject category of fluid mechanics
  • 18 of my 2018-2022 articles are published in the top 10% of SJR journals for chemical engineering
Policy documents
  • 5 of my publications have been cited in 17 policy documents from organisations located in Germany, Netherlands, Portugal and the UK
  • 8 of my publications have been mentioned 21 times in 10 patents
  • My 2018 Nature Nanotechnology article has been cited 24 times in 17 patents
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