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Researcher Skills Toolkit

Where to locate metrics

Research publication metrics can be located using several databases and tools. The following are the most common sources.
Scopus Produced by Elsevier


A multidisciplinary database that indexes scholarly literature from 1996 onwards. Source materials include over 26,000 international journals (from 7,000 publishers), conference abstracts, and over 2 million books.

Access  The University of Newcastle subscribes to Scopus.
Support materials
SciVal Produced by Elsevier


SciVal is a companion research analytics and benchmarking tool to Scopus. SciVal receives a weekly update of new data from Scopus.

Scopus is a multidisciplinary database that indexes scholarly literature from 1996 onwards. Source materials include over 26,000 international journals (from 7,000 publishers), conference abstracts, and over 2 million books.

Access  The University of Newcastle subscribes to SciVal.
Support materials
  • Research Metrics Guidebook - facts about how the data underlying the metrics are used, how the metrics are calculated and displayed, and about variables besides performance that can affect the metrics
Web of Science Produced by Clarivate Analytics (formerly Thomson, ISI)


The Web of Science includes four journal citation indexes - Science Citation Index, Social Science Citation Index, Arts and Humanities Citation Index, and the Emerging Sources Citation Index. Approximately 21,000 international journal titles are indexed.

Coverage Web of Science Master Journal List
Access  The University of Newcastle subscribes to Web of Science.
Support materials
InCites Produced by Clarivate Analytics (formerly Thomson, ISI)


InCites is a companion analytics and benchmarking tool to Clarivate Analytics. The Web of Science includes four journal citation indexes - Science Citation Index, Social Science Citation Index, Arts and Humanities Citation Index, and the Emerging Sources Citation Index. Approximately 21,000 international journal titles are indexed.

Coverage Web of Science Master Journal List
Access  The University of Newcastle subscribes to InCites.
Support materials
Dimensions Produced by Digital Science


Dimensions indexes a range of research outputs. No details are available of the range, number and variety of publications indexed or the selection process used for adding source publications.

Coverage Unknown
Access  The University of Newcastle does not subscribe to this database. A free version is available.
Support materials
Altmetric Explorer Produced by Digital Science


Altmetric Explorer tracks mentions of research outputs (publications and datasets) in social media, news media, blogs, Wikipedia, and engagement on scholarly platforms, plus citations in patents and policy documents.

It is also possible to generate analytical reports for individual outputs, authors, groups of researchers, or schools.

Coverage Twitter, blogs, FaceBook, policies, patents, Wikipedia, news services, including national and international newspapers.
Access  The University of Newcastle subscribes to Altmetric Explorer.
Support materials
Google Scholar Produced by Google


Google Scholar indexes academic resources and scholarly literature including abstracts, journal articles, theses, books, and more from across many disciplines.

Coverage Unknown. The Inclusion Guidelines for Webmasters includes details about how Google Scholar indexes websites
Access  Google Scholar
Harzing's Publish or Perish
Produced by Anne-Wil Harzing


Publish or Perish is a software program that retrieves and analyses academic citations. It uses a variety of data sources (including Google Scholar), to obtain the raw citations, then analyses these and presents a range of citation metrics, including the number of papers, total citations, and the h-index.

Coverage Various
Access  Free download
Support materials
Journal Citation Reports Produced by Clarivate Analytics (formerly Thomson, ISI)


Journal Citation Reports aggregates metrics on journals included in the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI), and the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI).

Coverage Web of Science Master Journal List
Access  The University of Newcastle subscribes to Journal Citation Reports.
Support materials
SJR Produced by SCImago


SJR Journal Rankings groups over 27,000 journals by subject area (27 major thematic areas), subject category (309 specific subject categories) or by country. 

Coverage SJR Journals
Access  Free via the SJR Rankings website. Also included in Scopus and SciVal
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