Approaching research data management in terms of a lifecycle, broken into a series of data-related activities can assist to understand the steps involved. This module will consider research data management using the following five stages:
Plan and design – the first stage in research data management involves identifying the data that will need to be collected or analysed as part of the research project. A key component of this step is to start a Data Management Plan.
Organise and manage - this stage involves collecting, organising, and managing the data. At this stage, it is important to document processes, instruments, and methods used.
Store and archive – consider here the long-term storage and preservation of research data and the supporting information about the data that ensures accessibility and re-usability. Also consider back-up and security requirements plus requirements for collaborators to access research data.
Share and publish – reasons why you should consider sharing research data as well as funder requirements.
Access, reuse and cite– data available in a repository can be re-used by other researchers, to either validate the findings of the research, or to create new insights using the original data. Research data may also be used in development of new policies or services.