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Curriculum Resource Collections: Huxley CRMC

A guide to the Curriculum Resource Collections at the University of Newcastle Libraries

Locating items in the Huxley CRMC

Big Books
The CRMC holds a large collection of big books which are divided into 2 runs:

  • Single big books have the location Huxley AV Big Book and are a mix of fiction and non-fiction titles.These big books are located in special Big Book bookcases.
  • Big books kits have the location Huxley Big Book Kit.These kits consist of a big book and a mix of other resources eg. small readers or teaching notes.The majority of titles are fiction. They are kept in plastic bags on hanging frames in front of the Big Books.

Children's Literature
The books held in the Children's Literature collection are individual titles and not part of a reading scheme. Titles for this collection are selected from various children's literature publishers and the winners of the Children's Book of the Year Awards (CBCA).
The resources have been divided into 4 classifications as listed below:

808.915 - Children's Poetry books

808.936 - Picture books

808.937 - Beginner/Younger readers

808.938 - Young Adult fiction

DVD's, CD's and CD-ROMs
The DVD, CD and CD-ROM collections are integrated with the CRMC resources and are shelved by call number within the collection.

Graphic Novels
The Graphic Novel collection was purchased to assist with visual literacy, which is part of the Australian Curriculum, and to encourage reading at all levels and abilities. This collection is located at 808.8017.

The CRMC contains a wide and varied collection of teaching resource kits, suitable for early childhood through to high school level. These kits may contain a range of formats which include books, teacher information/notes, CD's, DVD's etc. The resources are organised by call number and are located on shelving within the CRMC. Signage at the end of each row indicated the dewey range.

Huxley Library holds some print copies of K-6, Yrs 7-12 and some support documents for the syllabus. Syllabus material has the location Hux Deposit Collection and are located at the end of the main CRMC collection. When searching NewCat+ for syllabus,use a keyword search eg: K-6 syllabus or 7-10 syllabus. All Australian syllabus and curriculum can now be accessed electronically though the Education Subject Resource guide.

Educational Toys
The Huxley Library has a large collection of toys, puzzles, maths resources, musical instruments and other hands-on realia. The collection is arranged in Dewey order. Resources range from a single item to multiple part items and can be borrowed for a 2 week loan period unless otherwise indicated.

When borrowing resources from the toy library there are several important points that must be noted:

  • The borrower must take full responsibility, if using the toy with a child, for the child's safety, including determining the suitability of the item for the age of the child.
  • Items are to be kept in the packaging provided, when borrowing and returning items.
  • Any identification cards or labels attached to the item must remain with the item.
  • Only the complete kit can be borrowed. Individual parts of an item can not be borrowed separately.
  • Patrons are responsible for returning items in a clean, intact and complete condition.
  • Responsibility remains with the borrower to ensure the item is complete, with all parts, before borrowing. Unless missing parts are reported before the item is borrowed, the borrower will be liable for such parts upon the items return.
  • Items can be returned through the Returns Chute in the Libraries. Should there be any problem with missing or damaged parts, the borrower will be notified and arrangements made for any replacement costs or charges.
  • The replacement cost of lost or damaged items will be charged to the borrower. If any pieces of the item are damaged or lost so that the enjoyment or ability to use the item is reduced, the whole replacement charge will apply. Charges for partial loss or damage will be at the discretion of the University Librarian.